My Tentative Chapters...  and in an order that might work. Some of these will possibly morph and combine with other chapters and new ones may emerge... or this disappear. It's even possible that this could be it and everything fits into one of these chapters. Stranger things have happened.
This website is just for internal use... for a select few... it will disappear one day, but now it's helping to keep things together and allows me to easily move things around... and to let people offer suggestions and criticisms... which I do encourage. But I'm not sharing it with everyone and hope you don't share it either... please.  
I'm still looking for a title... although My Own Private Outdoor Idaho is a decent suggestion. I also like An Outdoor Idaho State of Mind.



Where's My Hat?   (more about me than I like, but it might work with more tweaks)


Holding it Together (or Keeping it Together)   (fighting to keep the show afloat, and other things)


The Glory Years  (favorites of mine and others in production)


The Mule Speaks    (Musings by Terry Lee, the extraordinary Volunteer) 


All in the Family or The Race Horses in the Basement or Behind the Curtain or ?... (Professionals who use different sides of their brain)


Geology Determines Destiny  (what the geology of the state has meant to the state and to OI)


Taking on Big Brother (our fight with the Forest Service over cameras in the Woods)


A Wise and Humble Man  (a profile of Bud Moore, USFS. A template for other profiles)


Another Profile  (Morley Nelson perhaps?)

Other Profiles (maybe a collection of other, shorter profiles, especially if they make some sense together.)  


The Muse and an Angel Named Trixie  (something about writing in general and scripts in particular)


Our Go-To People... the ones who hold the record for most often used in show... (we mention John Freemuth, Cort Conley, Bill Studebaker, and others who gave us things, like the Dr with the film of people living on the Salmon River, and others)


What exactly is Outdoor Idaho... (maybe how it's evolved while staying true to some things; evolved because new people would move in and provide a different dimension or way to view things, collect comments from various folks like Rick Gerrard and Tim Tower? How teachers used the show, students who had to watch it; some of them got quickly got tired of them... other things)


Obsessions We Have Known (and I think there were a few... Wilderness... Lewis&Clark ... Salmon ... maybe we put Rafting here...shows on old folks... possibly Silver Valley, with Trial of Century...  Llamas...others?)


You Actually Wore That? (after seeing a slide show that my talented niece Rachel put together the other day of all the clothes I wore for the Standups, I agreed to let her co-write this chapter. I'm pretty sure all my various Hats will make an appearance also.)


Wrap Up or some other name (some general thoughts from me) 





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